Interior Minister Juri Pihl has prepared a bill which in 2011 in Estonia does not prohibit the sale of fading in themselves cigarettes.
As writes today Eesti Päevaleht, in the explanatory note to the Tobacco Act the reasons for the amendments. The ban on the sale of cigarettes that do not die out by themselves, associated primarily with the desire to reduce the number of fires and number of related deaths in the country, portal novosti.err
According to Head of Department policy and crisis Rescue MIA Lauri Lugna, as a positive example we can look at the experience of the United States and Canada. Once in these states have shifted to or a rapidly self-extinguishing cigarettes, both countries have significantly reduced the number of fires.
A new type of cigarette is made of special paper that extinguishes the smoldering tobacco if smoking ceases to inhale.
Note that Sweden, where every third fire fatalities linked to careless smoking, going to go to the "fire-safe" cigarettes in 2010.